
Pwnable log by muhe@Syclover

Pwnable log

1. Stack Vuln

1.1 Vuln

1.1.1 Stack overflow
1.1.2 Stack Variables uninitialized
1.1.3 off by one

1.2 Tech

1.2.1 ROP
[1] Dynamic Linking
[2] Static Linking
[3] x86 && x64
1.2.2 Frame Fake

2. Heap Vuln

2.1 Vuln

2.1.2 off by one
2.1.3 double free
2.1.4 use after free

2.2 Tech

2.2.1 Malloc Maleficarum
[1] The House of Prime
[2] The House of Mind
[3] The House of Force
[4] The House of Lore
[5] The House of Spirit
2.2.4 fastbin dumlicate
2.2.5 hijack function pointer
2.2.6 craft overlapping chunks
2.2.7 heap spray

3. Format String Vuln

3.1 Vuln

3.1.1 x86
3.1.2 x64

3.2 Tech

3.2.1 leak func addr
3.2.2 dump bin file with fmt

4. Other Vuln

4.1 Vuln

4.1.1 Integer overflow
4.1.2 fsp overflow

4.2 Tech

4.2.1 ssp leak

5. Some Tricks

5.1 one gadget rce

5.2 canary crack

5.3 canary leak

5.4 bin file dump

5.5 fast confirm libc’s version

6. Pwn in AD mode